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Field Safety and Security

Employees who work away from the structure and support of an office environment face a wide range of challenges, hazards and threats and very often they face these situations alone. This program has been designed to provide a structured set of tools and strategies to help your employees recognize these hazards, so they can be avoided.  We walk them through the process from safety planning and preparation, working at the job site, dealing with challenging people and lastly what to do should violence occur.


Our programs are Evidence Informed and Experienced Applied. In other words, we incorporate current studies and research balanced with decades of field experience and “lessons learned” from real cases. 

Objective: Learning to identify the security hazards of working in the field and review simple strategies for addressing these issues.   

Target Audience:  Utility workers, Construction, Delivery Drivers, Maintenance Crews

Core Content:

  • Personal Safety

    • Planning activities before leaving the office

    • Understanding criminal motivations

    • Leveraging intuition to keep you safe

  • Recognizing Hazards in the Field

    • Safety strategies for traveling to/from location

    • Identifying signs of criminal activity

    • Medical considerations

    • Interactive group question/answers

  • Managing Confrontation

    • Recognizing the pre-incident indicators of violence

    • Strategies for Dealing with Difficult, Disruptive and Dangerous individuals

    • Identify strategies for dealing with individuals with Mental Health, Drug/alcohol driven behavior

  • Strategies for dealing with violent situations

    • Identifying areas of protection


Length of Course: 2-4 hours


We customize each course to meet your organizational needs - this is your training not ours.

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