Healthcare Workplace Violence Prevention
For Compliance with CalOSHA Title 8 Section 3342
Mandatory Training Requirements and Other State and Federal Regulations
regarding Workplace Violence Prevention Training
Course Overview: Healthcare employers in California must comply with new workplace safety requirements, effective April 1, 2017, on preventing workplace violence. The training requirement of the new regulation must be complied with as of April 1, 2018. This training is to be done when the plan is first established and for new hires, when assigned to another position that did not require initial training and pre-assignment training for employees who respond to alarms.
Key provisions of the CalOSHA regulation include:
Creating and maintaining a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan
Identifying individuals responsible for implementing program
Coordinating with other employers at your site
Identifying and evaluating safety and security risks
Investigating violent incidents and correcting hazards
Communicating with employees and others
Reporting to Cal/OSHA and record keeping
Target Audience: The scope of the regulation affects almost all health care facilities, medical groups, and several other care facilities including senior care centers, nursing homes, and retirement homes. The regulations apply to any “health facility,” defined as “any facility, place or building that is organized, maintained, and operated for diagnosis, care, prevention or treatment of human illness, physical or mental…to which persons are admitted for a 24-hour stay or longer.”
Learning Modality: Our training courses are taught in-person by professionals with years of practical and formal experience and training. We recognize the challenges of teaching adults and have developed a format that increases retention of positive behavioral habits, although we may review past incidents of violence, we do not use fear as a learning element. We want your employees to leave feeling comfortable and empowered.
Our Training Program: Our training programs have been designed to provide three simple outcomes – First, the reinforcement of violence prevention strategies, policies and procedures. Secondly, how to recognize the warning signs and avoid potentially violent situations and lastly, response options should violence occur.
There are two separate, but complimentary courses designed to help you comply with the regulation. The first is intended for all staff, and the second is specifically designed for those employees who are required to respond to alarms and “codes.”
Sample Content (All topics required by the new regulation including but not limited to)
Overview of Violence Prevention Plan
Discuss Available Resource
General and Personal Safety
Principals of Security
Review potential for violence
Strategies for improving security
Violence Types and Warning Signs
Categories of Violence
Violence Predicting Factors
When and how to Report Concerns
Recognizing and Responding to Confrontation/Aggression
Understanding the assault cycle
Difficult, Disruptive and Dangerous People
Characteristics of aggressive and violence (Attacker vs. Patient)
Strategies for preventing physical harm
Understanding Physical and Emotional Barriers
Review Restraint options
Verbal Self Defense
Responding to Active Violence
Code Gray, Code Silver (Active Violence)
M.O.V.E. Active Violence Response Protocol
Note: Training courses include a high degree of interaction and create an opportunity for staff to practice various strategies and concepts. In addition, the course may also serve an additional method for staff to bring concerns to the attention of management.
What to expect: All our training programs are customized to your specific needs, locations and organizational culture. Prior to delivering training courses, Alvarez Associates will conduct a review of related policies, procedures and facilities. The main purpose of this review is to enable our trainers to effectively support the Healthcare Workplace Violence Prevention Training (this is not a compliance audit). After each course, we will provide a training summary highlighting any material issues that were raised during the training.